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5S APPLICATIONS AT HOME: Improvement in Kitchen Management By 5S

Throughout the history, organizations have been facing with various problems in their workspace and trying to continuously improve their operations by eliminating these problems in a most efficient and effective way. For that purpose, many different approaches and principles have been used to provide better management tool within a workspace to ensure the high efficiency and effectiveness. In another way, to keep pace with their competitors and maintain the customer satisfaction high, organizations have been searching for a system or methodology.

One of the most commonly used tools for organizations is 5S, a Japanese system for organizing the workspace so that each operation can be performed in an efficient, effective, and safe manner.

I applied 5S methodology to my kitchen to indicate that 5S provides the kitchen, workspace, with higher performance and continuous improvement and demonstrated my aim by comparing the previous performance with the one after 5S implemented. Below you can find the steps that I followed,

  • Approach and Methodology

  • Definition of Problem

  • Analysis of Problem

  • Definition of Performance Measure

  • 5S Approach in Kitchen

  • Improvement Ideas & Implementation

  • Analysis of the Ideas

  • Constraints

  • Rank of the Ideas

  • Analysis of the Implementation

  • Implementation

  • Revised Definition of Performance Measure

  • Conclusion

Performance Measures & Tools

SWOT Analysis

Flow Diagram


Flow Process Chart

Criteria Tables

Planet Method A

Ranking Table

5S Schedule

Adjacency Score

Layout Efficiency Rating

Here you can download the paper that I prepared

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